The major obstacle to finding lasting change is by not categorizing all people with a mental illness as a threat or a danger. By not placing someone with a mental illness in a category that is not as important as something else. We should be aware of the several mental illnesses that affect some people regularly. To have a concept of what they go through every day. To know how fortunate enough we are, to not go through what others go through. To appreciate the life and health we have.
- Mayo Clinic: the following website explains the symptoms, causes, risks factors, complications, and preventions of Schizophrenia.Link
- American Psychiatric Association: the following website explains what Schizophrenia is, the types of Symptoms,risk factors, treatments,and rehabiliation and living with Schizophrenia.Link
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): the following website explains what Schizophrenia is, the types of Symptoms,causes, diagnosis, treatments, and related conditions.Link
- Mental Health UK: the following website explains the different types of Schizophrenia.Link
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